Saturday, February 28, 2009

God is GOOD...All the time

It has been a wonderful day...praising God for how far Aubrey has come. She has been off her oxygen since 1 am and was able to come to my room this afternoon. The kids finally got to come up and hold her and love her. Hailey is going to be such a great help...she loves her little sister. I was pleasantly surprised at how much Austin wanted to be with Aubrey and hold her too.

We are so excited to take Aubrey home, but a little anxious about how she will do. As I was reading today, I came across 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." I am praying that I won't let Satan rule me with anxious feelings but find peace in God who is able to do anything in His will.

Thank you God for be Aubrey's healer and for answering prayers. Thank you for your steadfast love. Thank you for the peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you God for being good, all the time.

Friday, February 27, 2009


**UPDATE** Just got back from Aubrey's midnight feeding and found out that she is back on 25mL of oxygen. I am a little bummed, but have faith that in time she will be off for good. Being patient is the hard part for me. Please continue to pray that she keeps fighting the battle.

Tonight as I was reading, the topic was FAITH. This is something that I have been questioning over the course of the week. Should I trust these doctors, are these doctors doing all they can to help Aubrey? And yes I can say, I have chosen to trust them. Why shouldn't I trust them? God has placed them in Aubrey's life for a reason and trusting them secures the fact that I have FAITH in what God is doing in Aubrey's life.

"All things are possible to him who believes." Mark 9:23

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved with various trials, that the genuineness of your faith...may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 6-7

Thank you God for the faith that you have given me in the midst of these various trials. Thank you for drawing me closer to you. Thank you for your unfailing love and comfort.

***Today marked a great day of peace and steps forward for Aubrey. Tests came back that her CRP levels went down as well as her white blood cell count. Thank you Lord for continuing to answer prayers. Tonight when I went to feed Aubrey, I was also greeted with the news that she was off her oxygen. We will see how the night goes, but I have faith that God will see her through yet another test.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Bath Time and More

**UPDATE** (Feb 26th)
Aubrey's CRP level did drop slightly tonight...we'll take any drop we can at this point. Praise the Lord.

Tonight Aubrey got her first bath! yay:) She didn't care much for it at first but then was ok with things. They put her on her tummy and she loved that.

Earlier this week the kids were able to go in and see their sister...Hailey can't wait for her to come home and Austin dosen't get it yet.

One Week Old

Today marks one week since Aubrey Christine was born. It's been a crazy week...God has been testing my patience. After a week, I feel that I should have passed but God isn't done working in that area. We had a set back as far as numbers go. This morning news came that Aubrey's CRP levels went up which mean she has more inflamation in her lungs, BUT all other levels were great and the fact that she is eating like a champ they have ruled out other issues. We are praying that tonight's tests will show improvement. Oh, and her chest xray today was clear so that is another positive. (sorry I am sll over the place!!) My mind is tired.

Come to Me...Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. -Matthew 11:28-29

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 6

Looks like we will be going home Monday. I am feeling a little bummed but glad that she will be in good hands and closely watched for 3 extra days. I came back from lunch to feed her and found out she was back on a low dose of oxygen but is still eating very well.

Today I sit in awe of the progress that Aubrey has made. All the nurses keep saying, "she was so sick, and now look at her". I am so thankful for everyone's prayers, they are working and most importantly, God is working in her little body. As of 4 this morning she was taken off all oxygen:) She has been bottle feeding very well and the nursing is coming along. Today will be another big day...removal of more lines and replacement of her IV. If you think about it please pray that when they draw her blood in the morning that she will be clear of infection so that we can go home on Friday.

"I will restore health to you and heal your wounds," says the Lord. Jer 30:17

On the lighter side, we have been joking that she dosen't want to be a "normal" thrid child who falls into the swing of things...she wants ALL the attention!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Prayer is Powerful

Thank you all for your prayers...God is good. Aubrey is making baby steps but doing so well. She was able to come off of the high pressure oxygen and is now on low pressure...even at a lower level:) Thank you Jesus. We are hoping that if not tonight, that tommorrow she will be able to be tube feed.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Update #2

"Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding"

...this verse is proving to be a true test for me over the course of today. Once again we are overjoyed that Aubrey is continuing to make baby steps. As of tonight they have lowered her oxygen 10% which is great:) If she continues on this path thru the night then we stay here in Hastings, but if they are unable to wean her slowly from the oxygen then we may be headed to Omaha. God is able and He can do anything...He is the one true Physican. I am so thankful for all of the prayers and support from all of you.

Aubrey Update

Today has been a day of ups and downs...right now we are on our way back up, praise the Lord. The doctors and nurses have been so good to us and continue to keep us updated on what is going on. The question has been, What is going on?? We were told at she may have to be flown to Omaha, at that point I started to worry. I know the doctors just want to cover everything but as a mom it was hard to hear. As of now, they are monitoring EVERYTHING and thinking that since she is now improving with the new approach that she may have a virus. We are praying that this is the answer and now we can move on from hear. Sean and I got to go in and see her and took a few pics:)

"For I know the plans I have for you...says the Lord." Jer 29:11

We are praying and will continue to trust in the plans God had set before us.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Aubrey Christine

On February 19th we were blessed with the arrival of Aubrey Christine. It all started with contractions the night of the 16th that continued hours on end. My doctor decided that she would break my water and the rest was history.

Aubrey was born at 3:28 pm weighing 6lbs 8oz and 19 1/4 inches long. She has been in the NICU since she was born which is not how we planned but we know that God will heal her in His perfect timing. Sean and I still get to hold her which makes it alot easier. We are still unsure why her oxygen levels are so low and continue to take it one day at a time. Please pray that God will continue to work in her little body. We are looking forward to begining life with her at home. Thanks for all of your prayers.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So here I sit, still pregnant but having plenty of contractions. 'D' day is drawing near and I have mixed emotions. So excited about meeting our new addition but feeling a bit unorganized!! Unorganized because we just moved, AGAIN!! This is it...we are so happy and feel so blessed that God works in His own timing. We love our house and feel like this is our HOME...forever. I am so glad that we were able to get moved before the baby arrives. The kids love it here in the "country" and Hailey can't wait to ride the bus to school next year. God is good.

Here I stand pictured at 36 weeks:)