Sunday, April 27, 2008

Christmas in April

We finally broke down and bought the kids a swingset. Because of all the rain, Sean was able to be home and spend his entire sunday (5 hours) putting it together. The kids love it and so do I!!! I didn't think Austin could handle the big kid swing, but once he was on it, he didn't want off.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Birthday with my kids...and mom!

The kids took me to Eileen's for my birthday...I think they enjoyed the cookies more than I did!! Austin picked out an ELMO cookie and Hailey picked out a rainbow cookie. They pick whichever cookie has the most frosting...just like their grammy.

The days of soccer...

Hailey is involed in a soccer camp that Hastings College is putting on. She is into her third week and loves it. Austin also joined her yesterday for a little bit...Hailey was nice to include him.