Wednesday, November 19, 2008

25 Weeks

Today I had yet another doctor visit...all went well except for one thing, the scale!! I am measuring right on, so 15 more weeks and we will meet this little miracle. I am so thankful for the energy that I do have to get through each day! In my Bible study this week, we are reading 1 Kings 19 and 20 and in chapter 19:4 Elijah is speaking to the Lord and say's, "I have had enough Lord". Some days I feel this and wonder how I will make it thru another day...but God always shows Himself as he gives me strength to take on another day. Thank you Lord for all the extra strength for each new day.

Shuffle Step

Last night we got to watch what Hailey has been learning at dance this year. I was so impressed at what this little girls knew, they have come along way since last year. They even did an entire dance with no help. We are looking forward to the recital in May. You go girls.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Big Red

This year Hailey dressed up as a Husker cheerleader and Austin was a football player. Maybe by the time Austin is old enough to play, the Huskers will have a better team. Austin and I went downtown trick or treating in the beautiful 70 degree weather...couldn't have asked for a better day. This was the first year that Austin actually got it, I think. After he received his first piece of candy, he thought he had to give it to the next to love his generosity!!! The kids enjoyed handing out candy to all the kids and haven't asked for any candy for themseleves...good thing b/c I threw it all out. Hope everyone had a fun and safe night.

Halloween and more...

The kids and I started the week out by carving a pumpkin...first time for me and boy was my arm sore!! Hailey loved the seeds and guts of the pumpkin, and Austin wasn't sure about it...all he kept saying was icky, icky. It was fun none the less. On Thursday, Hailey went to a Haunted House camp where she learned how to make haunted houses out of all the goods. I think it was half eaten by the time we arrived home.
She enjoyed the morning with her good friends.