Thursday, February 28, 2008

Messy Boy

Tonight I thought I'd let Austin feed himself...bad idea. He started out using his spoon but decided he wanted it all at once. Needless to say, he enjoyed dinner for once!!

Princess Party

Last Saturday Hailey got all dressed up to go meet some princesses and superheros at the museum. She dressed up as Snow White and her friend Libby was Cinderella. They had a blast, and enjoyed dressing up for the day.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Valentine Creations

Today, Hailey and Austin made valentine cards for their grandparents. Hailey cut out the hearts all by herself and Austin put a little color on them. Hailey is into writing so it was fun for her to actually write, not scribble on her very own v-day cards. We also made some heart cookies and took them over to her friend Libby, who is sick. It has been fun doing crafts with Hailey because she is so proud of her work!!

Ski Trip

Sean and I got away for the weekend without the kids. We went skiing with Sean and Jess Ablott out in Colorado. Our car ride was quite an adventure from Denver to the mountians...snow like you wouldn't believe, Sean only driving 2mph and a Dodge pickup on fire!! We made it though and enjoyed the slopes and nights out with out friends.

Hailey went to Lincoln for the weekend and Austin went out to the Vontz's. They both had blasts and didn't miss us at all...until we got home. It was great to see them. Our parents are so nice to take them and let us go for the weekend!! Love you guys.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The New HairDo

Despite the many inches of snow today, we ventured out to the Salon. The kids were both due for a haircut. Hailey asked that she not get a boy haircut but a Princess cut. So that is what she got...sparkles and all. Of course when we got home she had to get the dress on.

Pajama Day

Hailey had PJ day at school last week...they all wore jamies and took there sleeping bags and pillows! They have had many other fun days and field trips...the fire station, police station and the cookie store!