Monday, September 29, 2008

Our trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Sunday, Sean was home so we took the kids to the Pumpkin Patch. Hailey has been begging to go and was so glad that daddy could join us. It was a warm day, but enjoyable to say the least. The kids each got to pick out their own pumpkins...Hailey's was small and Austin wanted a the big one! Hailey said her favorite part was the "gunny sack" slide...I think Austin enjoyed it just as much.

Husker Game

Sean and I got to go to the Husker game this weekend...even though they lost it was still such a fun time. Sean and I always try to make one game a brings back the memories of the first days and weeks we took getting to know eachother. We happend to sit in the same "block" of tickets a mutual friend got together, and the rest is history!! Go Big Red.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Autumn Days...or is it still Summer?!?

As most of you know, we have been spoiled by such beautiful weather. I had decided to have the kids pictures taken as I do every Fall before it was too cold out. Little did we know that it would be sunny and 80 the day I clothed my children in long-sleeves and pants!! They were great troopers and didn't complain a bit...I did!! I guess I can b/c I am pregnant, right? Anyways, a friend from Lincoln came to town and took pictures and I am so happy at the way they turned out. Thanks Steph!! Here are some of my favs.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Many Choices...too many choices??

So most of you know that I have PICKY eaters. Something I don't wish upon anyone. I think my mom doomed me when she said, "I hope your kids treat you the way you treat me." Let me tell you, they do. I may have it worse tho...she said I was picky but not nearly as picky as Hailey and Austin. So, I have started a new meal plan with help from a blog I have been reading. I will give my child their plate with at least 5 choices, all that I seem are healthy for them and then they can choose to eat one are all of them. Tonight was the trial run and I feel they did pretty good. These are before and after photos of their plates!! You may laugh and say much isn't gone BUT for these Vontz kids this is a great start! If anyone had anyother ideas of how to feed PICKY eaters please let me know. Dinner time is the most trying time in my household and the time when I need the most patience, so if you think of it pray for me! I know this is one of God's ways of teaching me. bon appetit.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What about me...

Austin wanted to pretend to earn a cubbies vest too...he did say the verse but still has a couple years. He just wants to say hi. He and mommy spent time togther tonight playing a listening to the baby's heart beat. He loves to do that and was so excited...he's all about the baby right now!!! We'll see how he'll feel in 5 months.


Tonight Hailey was able to say her bible verses and cubbies motto. She earned her book, vest and bag. As soon as we got home she wanted to try it on and start learning her verse for next week. It has been such a blessing to me that she has been so excited and willing to learn. Her verse for the week was "God loved us...and sent His son." I can't believe she is in seems like yesterday when I was there learning my verses for each week. I am praying that she will continue to have this passion and desire for the Lord all the days of her life.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dance Like Nobody's Watching

Tonight Hailey started dance at a new dance studio. She has four of her good friends in there with her so this should be an exciting year.

Let the good times roll...

It is officially fall in the Vontz household. Sean is just beginning his last, but BIGGEST job of the year which is hard to believe but we are looking forward to him being home more this winter. Hailey has started her 2ND year of preschool, 2ND year of dance and Cubbies at church. We are so excited for her and look forward to seeing her mature this school year. It was so awesome, the first night home from Cubbies and both kids were reciting the verse of the week, yes both kids. Crazy I know. The verse was, "God loved us and sent His son". I truly look forward to hearing more of that this year too. Hailey hasn't had a hard time adjusting but Austin has. He misses his playmate when she is gone. I chose to put him in Kindermusik this year and look forward to our one on one time. Hard to believe he will be 2 in a month. Boy how times flies.

We just moved Austin from his toddler bed to a Big bed covered in, you guessed it BALLS. He loves it and is so proud of it. i think his favorite part is having a place to jump...maybe I should have put him in gymnastics!! I think we have enough on our plates for now. Hope you all are off to a great fall...GO BIG RED!!

End of Summer

Well the end of summer has come and gone and fall has started. I was so ready for summer and now SO ready for fall and loving this weather. We had a great summer spending time with good friends and being outside. I think the highlight was swimming everyday...for the kids anyways. We also were invited by some good friends to go boating...this was a first for the kids and they LOVED it. Hailey even went tubing with her friend Libby. This summer was also a first for Austin, in that he transitioned from a crib to a toddler bed. We found out in June that we are expecting our 3rd child in late February, and that he would be needing to move on out! The kids are so excited and so are we. Here are a few pictures to sum up the end of summer.